Through your actions—or inactions—your children, as well as others, learn from you.
What words of advice did your parents give you? And what examples did they set? Did those always align? If not, how did any misalignment affect you?
Do you sometimes say one thing yet do another? How can you better align yourself, for your own peace of mind as well as to set a good example for others in your life?
By being more mindful of our words and actions—and how they affect ourselves and others, we can live more authentic lives. According to Ghandi, “Happiness is when what we think, what we say and what we do are in harmony.”
What do you hope to teach people in your life? What do you hope to guide others toward? Don't just tell them, but show them through your actions.
Sunday Journal Prompt
How can you better align yourself, for your own peace of mind as well as to set a good example for those in your life?