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“Writing in a way saved me, kept me company.” – Carrie Fisher

From the age of twelve, actress Carrie Fisher “wrote things to get out of feeling them, and onto paper,” recognizing how therapeutic writing can be. While I can certainly relate to her experience, what I most appreciate from this Postcards from the Edge author is the way she described writing as like a friend who kept her company during difficult moments.

We have so many voices in our lives, some perhaps unwanted at times. Not only can our journals become a place to process all that input, but also a place to find our nurturing selves. Admittedly, sometimes it can be hard to be a friend to ourselves, especially if we’ve disappointed ourselves or others. During such times, journaling has helped me forgive myself—or, if needed, coach myself to ask for forgiveness from others—and inspire me to do better in the way a supportive friend would. When we feel alone, our journals can become a place where we can find a voice who gets us.

Sunday Journal Prompt

Who or what has most supported you during difficult times?



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Jenny Patton


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